Counter reset problem with RRDTool
A common problem with rrdtool is to have a rrd file with one or more datasource configured as COUNTER, but your counter reset and you get an ugly high peak. There is 2 solutions to solve this In the...
View ArticleGetting human reading time info from RRD files
You have a .rrd file but you don’t remember how much time RRAs can store data ? all right, no problem. First save this Perl code into a .pl file. $step = $1 if (m/step = (\d+)/); $rows = $1 if...
View ArticleTrend / Prediction with RRDtool
I’ve not used RRDtool for a while and put back my attention on it few weeks ago. I found out that lots of new cool stuff are avalaible, like LSLSLOPE, LSLINT. These function return the parameters of...
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